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Troubleshooting Tips
#6 - Gilbarco Pump/Dispenser Resets

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Gilbarco Pre-Modular

Pre-Modular pumps can only be Master Reset. This means all memory will be lost. However the only memory these pumps had was in effect the same as the RAM memory on a modular, meaning "price settings" and "totalizer readings". This "Master" reset is accomplished by shorting or jumping points on the Logic Board. It also varies from pump to pump depending on the model. We will deal with the three basic models that were sold in Canada.

Highline 111B with T12472-G1 or W1520-G1 or W1520-G2 Logic Board

a. Turn off Power to the Pump.
b. Remove Plug P16 from the Bottom Centre of the Board.
c. Short across the base of capacitor C11 with a knife blade or screwdriver for ten seconds.
d. Remove the short and replace plug P16.
e. Turn on power to the pump and observe prices should now be zeroed.
Highline 111B or Salesmaker 4 with W2061-G1 Logic Boards
a. Insert a Jumper Jack in position JP-6 on the Logic Board
b.Turn off Power to the Pump.
c. Turn on Power to the Pump.
d. Remove the Jumper Jack from JP-6.
Caution! Ensure you remove the Jumper. If you leave it in place, the Logic Board will reset every time there is a power failure and it comes back on!
MPD-2/C with W1523-G1 Z80 Logic Board
a. Place a Jumper Jack on the pins marked Master Reset or MR on the Logic Board.
b. Turn Off Power to the Pump.
c. Turn On Power to the Pump.
d. Remove the Jumper Jack from the Logic Board.
Caution! Ensure you remove the Jumper. If you leave it in place, the Logic Board will reset every time there is a power failure and it comes back on!
Gilbarco Modular

The following are the proper plug and pin numbers, or Controller Board programming to perform a RAM reset (which will basically reset the Command Level 1 memory, Pump Totalizers, Prices, Allocation Setting, Two Wire/Stand Alone and Customer Preset Values; in other words Command Codes 1 to 9 plus some of the diagnostic RAM memory) and to perform a Master Reset (this resets all Command Codes Including 10 to 14, which includes all Pump configuration). For default values refer to the appropriate Gilbarco Programing manual for the make and model you are working on.

Here there is a difference in the RAM and Master Resets. RAM Reset removes "price settings" and "totalizer readings", while the Master Reset removes everything, including programing, to Factory Default Values.

Ram Reset
1. Be aware that if you are getting an error code "31" or "35" (an indication you have unplugged something with out properly turning off the Battery, or the Battery was dead or the Battery Fuse was blown when you powered the pump down) you must perform a RAM reset with Command Code 6 in Level 1 Command Codes and not a Jumper Jack reset.
Master Reset
1. Make sure you know how to completely re-program the pump/dispenser before performing a master reset as all programing data will return to default.
2. You can do a master reset at the Manager Keypad if 70.4 or 54.0 and higher software versions are installed.
Jump Jack or ERI 006 Jumper Wire Resets
A. SID (Screened Image Display) Main Displays
1. Turn off AC power to the head and then turn off the Battery by pressing "Clear" and "Enter" on the Manager Keypad.
For T16226 SID Main Display
Ram Reset
2. Place ERI 006 across pins 3 and 6 of P803 if it has six pins or across pins 1 and 4 if it has four pins.
3. Turn AC power back on and remove ERI 006. Re-program prices, and totalizers if wanted.
Master Reset*
2. Place a jump jack or ERI 006 across pins 4 and 6 of P803 if it has six pins or across pins 2 and 4 if it has four pins.
3. Turn AC power back on and remove jump jack or ERI 006. Re-program all pump configurations.
For W2107-G1 SID Main Display
Ram Reset
2. Place ERI 006 across pins 1 and 12 of P803.
3. Turn AC power back on and remove ERI 006. Re-program prices, and totalizers if wanted.
Master Reset*
2. Place ERI 006 across pins 1 and 11 of P803.
3. Turn AC power back on and remove jump jack or ERI 006. Re-program all pump configurations.
W2107 Pin Positions
B. For LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Main Displays
1. Turn off AC power to the head and then turn off the Battery by pressing "Clear" and "Enter" on the Manager Keypad.
For T17701, T17543 and T17962 LCD Main Displays
Master Reset Only*
2. Move Jump Jack JP-1A on Side "A" Main Display to JP-1B position.
3. Turn AC power back on and move Jump Jack from JP-1B back to position JP-1A. Re-program all pump configurations.
For T19108-G1 LCD Main Displays
Master Reset Only*
2. Place ERI 006 across pins 4 and 5 of P803.
3. Turn AC power back on remove ERI 006. Re-program all pump configurations
Manager Keypad (for versions 54.0, 74.4, 72.0, 75.3, 77.2 and higher software)
Master Reset Only*
1. Press "F1" and enter level One PIN Code then press "Enter".
2. Press "1" then "7" then "Enter". Enter the level Two PIN Code then press "Enter".
3. Press "1" then "7" then "Enter". Enter the level Three PIN Code then press "Enter".
4. Press "1" then "7" then Enter.
5. Press "2" then "Enter". Enter 1 then press "Enter". Displays will reset with all zeros and no error codes.
6. Re-Program all pump configurations.
* If you do not know PIN Codes or Programing instructions contact us before trying any Master resets.

Page Last Updated: Tue, 19 Jun 2018

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